Critic Lilly Wei picks winners from ON THE ROCKS
- 1st: James Isherwood, The Perception of Monuments
- 2nd: Melanie Kozol, Karst
- 3rd: Travis Childers, Brickscapes
- Seongmin Ahn, Aphrodisiac 09
- Jeffrey Rothstein, The Blue Wall from Zion: Plateaux of Mirrors Series
- Kate Snow, This Seemingly Limitless Breadth of Time

I confess that it was difficult for me to choose only three winners and just as difficult to choose only three honorable mentions, even though these kinds of selections are something I do quite often, the choices at times determined by the slightest of differences and are, of course, subjective even if, I hope, informed.
While there were multiple reasons for my selections, what was foremost in my mind was how the work I was looking at evoked landscape, in particular mountainous terrain. I asked myself, among other questions, did it make me pause in front of it? How innovative or idiosyncratic was it? How specific, how individualized was the “voice?” How was the image formally and conceptually constructed or deconstructed? Did it make me notice something I hadn’t before?
From that, I came up with these six works listed at the top. I congratulate James Isherwood, Melanie Kozol, Travis Childers, Seongmin Ahn, Jeffrey Rothstein and Kate Snow on their remarkable achievements.
I also congratulate all the participating artists of On the Rocks. It was a rich, commendably selected grouping, enhanced by Susan Eley’s sensitive installation. The interaction that took place between the works was absorbing, the show a pleasure to see and think about.
— Lilly Wei