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January 15th, 2024

Angela A’Court featured in “Dissident Muse Journal”

This great article was featured on “Dissident Muse Journal” and written by Franklin Einspruch.

You may find the full text online here:



SEFA was pleased to place this work entitled Agapanthus with one of our best collectors, who now have multiple pieces by A’Court. Susie has worked with A’Court for many years and is always delighted to exhibit her thoughtful interiors and colorful flowers.


The exhibition Keeping Memories featuring A’Court and Karin Bruckner is currently on view at SEFA LES through February 17, 2024. More information about the artist and images of the show are available online here:




Below is a great excerpt from Franklin Einspruch’s writing. Thank you for the feature!


“On Wednesday I rolled in with just enough time to drop in on the opening of Kyle Staver at Half. So many people were trying to love on Kyle that she would introduce one to another and then excuse herself to receive more well-wishers. Via that I met a gentleman who invited me to a group show at Landmark Art Space opening the following evening. The first artist listed for the show was Anthony Haden-Guest, the author of the foreword of James Croak’s Backseat Driver, Dissident Muse’s first published title. I had never met him in person. After Kyle I went to the opening of a group show at Anita Rogers Gallery that includes Stephen Bethel, who coincidentally is my neighbor in New Hampshire. Just when you think the world can’t get any smaller, it shrinks.

Yesterday I somehow accomplished four social calls, which was a feat because they were in Chelsea, the Village, Midtown, and Union Square respectively. Then it was off to Landmark in Chelsea to meet Anthony. The show, “OG Wiz!,” emphasized figures from the 1980s. With word about the show spread through flyers and a bumping opening, it conveyed a bit of what the ‘80s art world must have been like. I grabbed yet one more cab and barely made it to the LES exhibition of Angela A’Court and Karin Bruckner at Susan Eley. (I’ve written about Angela and might be something of a fan.) I stumbled back into the hotel, full of coffee (I suspect that the waiter didn’t hear the “decaf” portion of my order) and alcohol (which I seldom sample anymore and consequently has outsize effects for better and worse).”