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April 3rd, 2018

Two Coats of Paint Reviews “Of Earth and Sky”

Rachelle Krieger’s current exhibition, “Of Earth and Sky,” was recently featured on the blogazine Two Coats of Paint. In the published piece, contributor Sharon Butler vividly captures Krieger’s ability to paint abstract elements of the natural world, writing:


“Using diverse brush sizes, from tiny rounds to hefty flats, Krieger’s loose, loopy lines twist and weave around opaque shapes, creating a sense of action in an otherwise inert, claustrophobic landscape. Where other artists might mix warm colors that would create the illusion of light falling on cooler-colored objects, Krieger cleverly divorces light from object, using thin yellow thread-like lines and fat transparent off-white ones to depict light waves rather than showing the result when they illuminate something else. Wind and electricity also figure into Krieger’s arsenal of the powerful unseen.”


“Of Earth and Sky” is on view now until April 12, 2018.


To read the full article, click here.

To visit the exhibition page, click here.

Gallery hours are Monday through Thursday 11-5pm and by appointment.